Sunday, March 28, 2010


The Qld RPG was again pleased to present the second of our Members Information Days for this year, this time held north of Brisbane at the Gympie Showgrounds on Saturday 27th March 2010. Around 50 members and non-members attended the presentation of "Preparing to Win in the Ring" by our 2010 Qld All Welsh Show Judges, John and Ann James from the Sianwood Stud in West Wales, prior to their return to the UK. A beautiful sunny day meant the presentation could be held outdoors with the crowd seated under large shady trees. Gotta love Queensland!
Above: John James
John proved to be a real entertainer and used a candid approach to capture the audience. Covering a range of topics from conditioning and grooming at home, mane pulling, natural tails, showring presentation, handler attire, show ring etiquette and the workout for showing the In-Hand pony, attire and presentation of the Leading Rein pony and rider, and discussion on Welsh and Show Hunter type.
Above: Peter McAdam

Above: Bronwyn McAdm during the harness demonstration

As an added bonus Peter and Bronwyn McAdam presented a harness demonstration and advised on how to get started in harness. Attendees particiated by asking plenty of questions as a number of ponies were brought forward to demonstrate the topics under discussion.

Above: John James, Pam O'Shea and Ann James

Above: Sue Groundwater and Bronwyn McAdam

At the end of the day Pam O'Shea presented a pair of engraved coffee mugs to John and Ann as a momento of the day. Many thanks to Sue Groundwater, Ruth Porter and Kim Quodling for bringing demonstration ponies along, and to local area members Sue Groundwater, Pam O'Shea and Ruth Porter for organising the day.

All Photos used in this article copyright Tina Brewster.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SHOWING TO WIN IN THE RING - Members Information Day at Gympie this weekend

Following the success of our first Members Information Day held at Walloon recently, our Welsh judges from this years Qld All Welsh Show, John and Ann James from the Sianwood Stud in Wales will be presenting our second education session at Gympie Showgrounds this Saturday 27th March 2010. Commencing at 10am, come and learn some great tips from the experts! Full details were posted to all current members, and can also be found in the post entitled MEMBERS INFORMATION DAY in this blog. Both members, non-members and interested parties welcome to attend. Free entry. Please RSPV to Sue Groundwater at and be sure to bring along a chair. See you there!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Above: Best Welsh In-Hand, the Section A mare Nattai Rosemay owned by Sue Sinclair and exhibited by Gary La Brocq.
Photo Credit: Tina Brewster

The 2010 Qld All Welsh Show was held Friday 19th to Sunday 21st March at Gatton Indoor Arena. Thankfully the weather was fine depsite concerns of an impending cyclone off the North Qld Coast. Thank you to all competitors for your participation - we have received such a positive response from competitors on the organistion of this years show, which helps make all the hard work put into it by our many voltuneers worthwhile.

We had a record of 234 exhibits entered, and 112 exhibitors with many new WPCS members attending their first Qld All Welsh Show - their enthusiasm and excitment for the breed has certainly renewed and strengthened the RPG's commitment to continually improve and promote Welsh Ponies of all sections in this state.

Offcial results from the show will be posted as soon as available, along with images. Our official photographer, Alyson McGovern, will post proofs on her website soon. Publicity images are also available from Tina Brewster.

A very special thank you to RPG Secretary, Sue Groundwater, who put many hours of work in prior to the show and spent the entire show in the office ensuring everyone was happy! Also a very sincere thank you (I think on behalf of all competitors) to Peter and Bronwyn McAdam for keeping the show flowing as our chief collecting ring stewards, Lorelle Laffey who had the task of stable opener along with many other tasks, Elizabth Doyle as results recorder in the office, and to all judges, stewards, anouncers and other volunteers who all pulled together and without whom a show of this size could not happen.