Calling for Interest in a Youngstock show for Queensland.
Member Kim Quodling is trying to guage the level of support there is for a youngstock show to be held at the end of this year. Possible Dates 2nd or 4th weekend of November and on the North side of town with the idea of making it accessible for as many members as possible. It will be a one day show only. Please note, I am not personally on the North side of town so will need to travel to get there myself. The choice of location is meant to open it up to members who find getting to our All Welsh challenging.
Possibly a Mountain and Moorland show. This will depend on interest.
For the Qld Committee to support the show we would need commitments from people prepared to organize the show and host it. I am prepared to organize but will need some assistence. Without a certain level of commitment I will not proceed so only promise what you are prepared to deliver. Please email directly with ideas, commitments or support for the show. I would also like to hear form people keen to enter for the show. My direct email address is
Please conatct Kim directly with your comments.